The weekend just flew by. When you're busy that's how it happens. Friday Night I helped my church's youth group practice for their holiday service which took place yesterday. This is the second year in a row that I had to miss the actual performance because of a schedule conflict. As you can see from one of the pictures the entire front of the church was transformed for the performance. Our Sunday School teachers do a wonderful job. On Saturday we had a good turnout for Subaru Saturday at Subaru World of Newton. Everyone who stopped by my table got a prize. It's so nice to see the happy faces when listeners win movie passes, Crayola Tickets or a N.J. Lottery scratch off ticket. On Sunday I was at the Rockaway Mall for our annual "Gifts for Goldens" event. Ornaments are placed on our "Gifts for Goldens" Tree with gift requests for residents of Homestead Healthcare and Rehabilitation. We ask our listeners to pick an ornament, purchase the gifts and return them to our table. We make sure each gift purchased is wrapped and given to the senior who requested it. We planned that it would take from noon to 3 for all the gifts to be purchased. It only took one hour. Once again, the love and generosity of you our WSUS listeners just amazes me. One listener named Julie from Wantage took 4 ornaments and purchased gifts for 4 different seniors. When I asked her if she was sure about buying so much Julie said: "Steve, they really don't ask for much." Gary Cee from our sister station NNJ was there volunteering too. My daughter Kim came to the mall with me so she could get Gracie and Christopher's picture with Santa. Kim picked the perfect outfits and the picture came out very nice.
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