We'll start off this Epic Weekend In Pictures with an apology. Due to schedule conflicts, and my computer here at iHeart having a challenging December, this is my first Epic Weekend In Pictures update since early December. Not to worry, we will certainly be making up for lost time with this one!
The first weekend of December I was able to take Awesome Girlfriend Megan up to Newport, Rhode Island. We were able to take my Mommy there for her birthday weekend along with Padre, and my Wicked Awesome Sistawh Suzanne. We did a ton of walking from downtown Newport to two of the beautiful mansions, and made many fun memories along the way. Our family dinner at a local seafood place where my sister had connections was also delicious. I realized halfway through the weekend it was the first time just the 5 of us had an adventure together in over a year and a half. Just what the doctor ordered. Most importantly, my Mommy, Karen "Madre" Allan had a wonderful birthday. Success! I was also
The next December weekend, it was off to Pennsylvania for Awesome Girlfriend Megan's Awesome Family annual Christmas Party. Meg's family has been amazing to me since day 1. My future brother and sister in laws Rick and Mel did a fantastic job putting the whole party together, a total of 32 people in one room. That involves many, many moving parts.
Now fast forwarding to this past weekend, we will start our Epic Weekend In Pictures with Thursday night at the Minerals Sports Club Holiday Member Mixer Social Party!
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This Minerals Sports Club Holiday party was perhaps my favorite one yet. It's always fun running into so many friends in one place. Everyone was in good spirits and ready to celebrate. While my dear friend Darlene had me record a quick video shout out, my friends James and D accidentally photo bombed right while we started recording. All we could do was just crack up. Even when you're not expecting it, friends can show up out of nowhere and crack you up. Great times. The DJ had everyone dancing. I had to leave early, probably by 8:30, to wake up early Friday morning for my responsibilities with our Kids Christmas Concert Series. All good. From 6:30pm - 8:30pm I made sure to make our time count!
Friday late morning Steve Andrews went with me to Trinity Rehab in Sparta ShopRite plaza. We thought it would be funny if we had a joint physical therapy session. The result was comedy gold. Steve Andrews has been having neck issues, and was able to get stretched out and use the EPAT therapy they have. Andrews of course was feeling better immediately. He basically got a neck and shoulder massage. My issues are very different and much more complicated than Andrews. I pinched a nerve in my right hip last Memorial Day weekend, and it's been bothering me ever since. Keith and Amanda at Trinity Rehab came up with a plan where I'll get 6 or so of these EPAT treatments, along with stretching, and strengthening my hip. Friday they made me do core exercises which were challenging because I have NO CORE STRENGTH WHATSOEVER! UGH. I told them my goal is to be able to get better and eventually get back up and running again, literally. They will work with me and get me back up and running again. I cannot wait for that day. I'll be hitting their Alter G gravity free treadmill hopefully within a month or two. Hopefully my fun workout videos can continue very soon!
Friday night, time for our annual iHeart Company Christmas party in Poughkeepsie. Woohoo! Since Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel is a 90 minute drive for us from Sussex County, our fearless leaders comp us a hotel room. Every year we are determined to get the most out of it! Our fearless leaders Chuck, Rob and Sharon do a fantastic job with their Let's Make A Deal Party. This is a great reminder how one man's trash can be another man's treasure. I won a deck umbrella. While I love my deck with its terrific size and gorgeous views of Mountain Creek's Granite Peak ski slope, it's also a bottom level with another deck on top of it. Therefore a deck umbrella doesn't really fit for me. Steve Andrews has a beautiful backyard with a pool at his place in Pa. He also has a deck that isn't covered and is a perfect spot for a large deck umbrella. We successfully trade the gifts we won. Awesome Girlfriend Megan kept looking at other prizes. This was the first year that they opened up prizes that significant others could win at the party, which was so sweet of them to do. Meg was looking longingly at the Apple iPhone AirPods. Towards the end of the party, they started calling out winning numbers. Meg ended up winning! Fortunately she gave me her raffle ticket so I could read the numbers and see that we won.
We then hosted the after party at mine and Meg's hotel room. We had so much fun with Shawn, Kim, Bill, Mel, and Steve Andrews. Andrews brought his Makers Mark whiskey and we were thrilled. We all did a round of that together along with a couple of good IPA beers. We were all having fun laughing together - so much so that - we got a phone call to our room. Whoops. Only one noise complaint this year, so at least we're getting better, right? We worked hard to have a quieter fun time after that.
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Saturday Meg woke up with a headache. She only had one sip of the whiskey, but we're convinced that is what hurt her. Mixing cocktails, even if one sip, can throw poor Meg off the next morning. I swung by a Walgreens on Route 9 on our way back to Vernon to score Meg some aspirin. Ironically we joked on our way up to Poughkeepsie about the times we had to stop at that Walgreens on our way back some years. We of course ended back up at that Walgreen's once again lol. Once we got Meg some aspirin and food, she started to feel better every minute.
Saturday afternoon I was off to the Vernon Lights Festival for my live broadcast. So beautiful over there. The stone they have added to the walking paths is making walking much much easier. The food trucks smelled delicious. Then one friend came over to introduce herself to me. Not too out of the ordinary. Then she told me her name is Tammy, and she is the one who reached out on social media and made an appointment to meet with Nika, my current Adopt A Pet Of The Week! If Tammy's current dogs can get along with Nika, we have found an amazing match! My night was made from that alone.
Saturday night after my Vernon Lights Festival Meg and I had plans with friends that fell through, which ended up being a blessing in disguise. We were able to just relax at my place, put on sweatpants, order pizza and watch football. For us, that's heaven.
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Sunday morning we got some minor errands. Sunday we were able to make our return for Meg's farewell drink at The Irish Cottage Inn in Franklin for our first time in a few weeks. It was wonderful to see so many of our wonderful friends. We even had fun watching soccer with them before football came on.
Sunday night, rounding out the weekend with our Sunday night Kite's Crew of besties with Brad, Steve, JG, bartender buddy Sam, Jasen and Brendan was fantastic. Just a bunch of friends hanging out all night, busting on each other having a great time.
Overall we had a wonderful bunch of weekends in December. I hope you have had wonderful weekends too. Thank you so much for watching my Epic Weekend In Pictures on Instagram @SteveAllanRadio, and taking the time to read about our adventures in this space. Time to start planning next weekend kicking off with Christmas in Mansfield, Massachusetts visiting my family. I can't wait to see them!
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