I was really looking forward to this weekend because I had absolutely no plans. Most of the times weekends like this turn out to be pretty productive. This one was. The biggest accomplishment was getting a baby swing for my grandson Christopher. Every since he was born this little boy has loved motion. A few weeks ago I even posted a picture of me fast asleep as I was swinging him. After a play date with Gracie on Saturday, one of Kim's friends gave us an old baby swing. It was a little noisy, but Kim's boyfriend worked on it a little and now it's quiet. Christopher loves it. He didn't fuss during dinner and even allowed us to clean up the kitchen afterwards. No surprise for me. All of my kids loved their baby swing too. Speaking of dinner. T Bone steaks were on sale at Save a Lot this week. So I bought a couple and put them on real grill Saturday Night. The steaks had grill marks and melted in our mouths. I made tater tots and fresh grilled in butter green beans on the side. Since I had to buy more butter for the greens beans, I took a picture to show our afternoon guy Steve Allan what real butter looks like. Meanwhile, we did have a little crisis this weekend with Miss Gracie. Her Uncle Dave ate her Tyson Fun nuggets and didn't replace them. These are the only chicken nuggets Miss Gracie will eat. Yes, she's way too picky. I sent my son Dave out late Saturday to get more. Every supermarket near us was sold out! I guess these are the only chicken nuggets a lot of kids will eat. Walmart finally got some in Sunday afternoon! One more thing. Gracie wasn't feeling well all weekend. I helped keep her comfortable all weekend. She finally started to feel better last night.
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