Subaru Saturday returned this weekend. We can't do live broadcasts yet. However, my Subaru Impreza did need an oil change. So I took my Impreza, my daughter and grand kids to Subaru World of Newton Saturday morning. It was great to see all my friends there. When I was taking with General Manager Chris Dexter I complimented him on his "Subaru Loves to Care Mask." So he gave me one. Thank you Chris. It's better than the ones I've been wearing and washable. On the way to Subaru World my grand daughter Gracie was an unintentional comedian. While she was in the back seat she opened her window. Which caused the air to make a loud noise when it was circulating around the car. When Kim asked her to close the window, she said " I'm just getting air mom." The way she said it was hilarious. On Sunday I labored in the yard. The pool was starting to get algae on the sides so I got up early to clean it. Then I mowed the yard. Which my dog Maddie really appreciated. Last weekend the steaks we made on the grill were delicious. So for this weekend I bought two more and pan friend them. I don't know which I liked more. My daughter Kim voted for pan friend. Her boyfriend voted for grilled. Since I was in the yard I thought it would be cool to include an update on my garden in this weekends post. The tomatoes and cucumbers are looking real good so far. I'm a proud gardener.
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