I guess you could say this weekend was about "self care." The new catch phrase can mean different things to different people. For me, it means doing what needs to be done but taking extra time to appreciate certain things along the way. I took my time with the two big things I planned to do this weekend: Taking down more Christmas decorations and cooking my daughter Kim's favorite dish for her birthday. On Saturday I removed all the ornaments and lights from the Christmas Tree downstairs. When we hang ornaments that I remember as a child on the Christmas Tree each year. I feel a part of my parents and grand parents is still with us. They don't make Christmas ornaments like they used to. Back in the 50's, 60's and 70's each ornament was a work of art. Today's ornaments are still nice but much more basic. So I thought it would be nice to share a couple of pictures of my favorite antique ornaments from my parents and grand parents. I wish I had more. The other cool thing I did this weekend was cook my daughter Kim's favorite meal for dinner. Her birthday was two weeks ago. Better late than never. It's classic Bisquick Hamburger Bake. Years ago I bought a box of Bisquick to make chicken and dumplings. Then I saw the recipe for Hamburger bake on the same box and gave it a try. We've been enjoying it for over 20 years. You can still find the recipe on line. I also made pork chops in my air fryer for the first time. They came out nice and crispy but a little dry. Next time I won't cook them as long.
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