One thing I regret is not appreciating the special moments and milestones of my kids as they grew up. There was always something to do at work or at home. Life was busy. My wife and I both had to work hard to pay the bills. This past year I have not been as busy on weekends because of COVID-19. Hopefully, that will start to change soon. In the meantime it's been wonderful watching my grand kids grow up and achieve their milestones. I have less everyday responsibility for them. So I can just watch them and enjoy. This past weekend Christopher became aware of the idea of people visiting and saying "bye bye" when they leave. When he saw my son Matt and Jess leaving he waved and said "bye bye" all on his own. Then climbed in the bay window to wave good bye. Such a sweet moment. I also got a chance to make my step brother Mike and his son Gunner very happy this weekend. I guess Mike lost his high school year book after getting a divorce many years ago. On Facebook last week his son was asking if anyone had pictures of North Bergen High School's 1978 State Championship Football Team. Mike was on the defensive line for the team but since his year book was gone Gunner had no pictures. They didn't realize my dad bought the 1978 N.B.H.S. yearbook that year and I still had it. I was so happy to mail the yearbook I had to Mike so he and his son can enjoy it. On Sunday I made one of my favorite meals. Corned Beef and baked red potatoes. Over the past few years I've baked the corned beef instead of boiling it. This year's was the best ever.
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