My ex wife is getting her second COVID shot today at a health department facility in Pennsylvania. She has never gotten any disclosures about the shot she would be getting. I had to wait 30 days after my positive test to schedule my first COVID shot. Which I got at a pharmacy in Pennsylvania. Since I went to a pharmacy I was provided with a fact sheet and disclosure information about COVID vaccines. What the paperwork said surprised me but I went ahead and got vaccinated anyway. Here's what I saw on the sheet: "The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older under an emergency use authorization." This means all approved COVID-19 vaccines have done well in the first phases clinical trials but more testing and time is needed. Even though I tested positive for COVID and probably have natural immunity I went ahead with the vaccine anyway. This was my personal choice for two reasons: 1) My COVID symptoms were very mild so I'm not sure how much immunity I have. 2) Since I'm almost 60 years old I'm not overly concerned about long term effects of the vaccine. If I was in my 30's or younger I might have made a different decision. I'm saying this now because it upsets me to see celebrities and some politicians pretty much demanding that we all get the vaccine. Each person should talk to their doctor. Not all doctors believe vaccination is right for everyone. We all should have a right to decide for ourselves without pressure or criticism. My experience getting vaccinated has been eye opening. For two days after I was tired, weak and had flu like symptoms. Yesterday I had an allergic reaction. The decision to get vaccinated or not is a serious one. The vaccines are strong medicine. I'll be getting shot number 2 next month. I'll let you know how that goes when it happens. I am feeling better today.
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