1 of 11 My favorite ride at Knoebel's Photo: Kim Davis
2 of 11 Kim and Gracie on "The Flyer" Photo: Steve Andrews
3 of 11 Christopher's first ride Photo: Steve Andrews
4 of 11 Miss Gracie loved the tilt a whirl and so do IPhoto: Steve Andrews
5 of 11 The only car we let my daughter drive Photo: Steve Andrews
6 of 11 My cousins with me in the hotel lobbyPhoto: Steve Andrews
7 of 11 My cousins enjoying the hotel hot tub Photo: Steve Andrews
8 of 11 I fell asleep at the hotel with my coffee in my hand Photo: Kim Davis
9 of 11 Like father like son Photo: Steve Andrews
10 of 11 Miss Gracie at our church carnival Photo: Steve Andrews
11 of 11 My hand breaded chicken cutletsPhoto: Steve Andrews