The "Moving Wall" is a one half size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. More than 58,000 names of Americans who died in the Vietnam War are etched into the wall. Sussex County lost 23 young men in Vietnam. It has taken 30 years for the "Moving Wall" to make a stop in Sussex County. Thanks to the Sussex Elks, Franklin and Branchville American Legions and several other veterans groups. The "Moving Wall" is in Sussex County now through Monday. You can stop by Woodbourne Park in Wantage to see it. Opening Ceremonies are tomorrow at 2PM. My friend and fellow morning show host Jimmy Borasio on WNNJ shared some pictures with me. So I can share them with you. These are pictures of our Sussex County school children cheering as the wall passed their schools. As some one who remembers the Vietnam War but was too young to be drafted when the war ended. Seeing these pictures brings tears to my eyes. I remember all to well how badly some Americans treated our returning soldiers. My cousin was one of them. So many never lived to receive the gratitude they so richly deserve. Enjoy the pictures. I sure did! Thank You Jimmy.