When I was a kid I loved putting lemon in my Coca Cola. My step mom was a waitress. She told me about putting lemon in Coke long before the company decided to add different flavors. Recently, some Tik Tokers came up with the idea of adding lemon to hot coffee to promote weight loss. The hash tag "lemon coffee" has more than 7.5 million views. Does putting lemon in coffee really help people loose weight? According to health experts the answer is "No." Dietician Erin Palinski-Wade says adding lemon to your coffee will not promote weight loss. She explains: Drinking any warm beverage "will increase the feeling of fullness." Which "may lead to eating less and weight loss" but it's not the lemon that's doing it. Another registered dietician Michelle Rauch says the idea that combining lemon and coffee creates "a fat burning elixir" is false. "While each component may offer some of their own health benefits. There's no scientific evidence to prove the pairing of the two would promote weight loss." On the non-scientific side, I think putting lemon in my coffee would taste pretty yucky too.
Source: Fox News
Photo: Getty Images