This hot Jersey weekend had some memorable, Epic moments. Several moments this weekend were honestly less than Epic. This is probably a good thing since this coming Memorial Day Weekend figures to be much more Epic. I can't wait for this Saturday when I'm doing a Behind The Scenes Facebook Live video over at The Green Valley Farms Rodeo. You know how I swear by Green Valley Farms beef when I'm grilling my world famous steaks and burgers. They'll have barbecue at the rodeo too and I probably won't be able to stop me from myself.
This weekend I made two new friends who were the stars of my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Their names are Mia and Luna. My buddy Brad asked me a couple of months ago if I could cat sit for him while he was away in Texas at a wedding. At first I was reluctant because the wedding in Punta Cana was my primary laser focus and didn't want to risk any potential conflicts. We looked at the calendar, and with Brad not travelling until this past Wednesday, we were comfortably past the wedding successfully.
Brad put me in prime position for success, showing me where all the necessary items were. By Thursday night I called him, realizing that the weekend forecast had temperatures in the 90s. He gave me the green light to turn on his central air for the kitties. I joked that these kitties resulted in me turning on Brad's central air before I even turned mine on by a day.
Thursday night I attended the monthly Minerals Sports Club Member Social and had a great time. I saw a few friends who I hadn't seen in a few months. Summer in Jersey has a funny way about bringing out friends who you just don't see often during our cold winters. I totally get wanting to stay in and be warm. I just go stir crazy very quickly in my place and am always moving. Even when I'm on the phone if it's not in my car, I'm always pacing while on phone calls. We always joke that phone calls help me get my steps in.
Friday was an action packed day for sure. Long story short, the return of concerts and other shows have our radio stations being much more active, which is fantastic. Basically it seems as though artists and venues are making up for the much less active couple of years, all this summer! It's not lost on me that two years ago at this time we would have killed to have this champagne problem. In the radio industry I'm betting many music station people feel like their heads are spinning a hundred miles per hour.
Friday afternoon my work wife friend Shawn suddenly asked if I was interested in doing a happy hour beer with her at Crystal Tavern. We were able to take our friend from work Seth out with us and he likely found us possibly slightly entertaining and crazy.
1 of 7 Photo: Me, Shawn and Seth
2 of 7 Photo: Kitten Time
3 of 7 Photo: Seinfeld reruns had me cracking up
4 of 7 Photo: Loved this special
5 of 7 Photo: I definitely need to get my pool badge this week for our Campus pool
6 of 7 Photo: Hey friends!
7 of 7 Photo: Well because why not. It's hot out!
One of my many favorite things about living here in Vernon, New Jersey is WEDDING SEASON. I absolutely look forward to it every single year. Living in Great Gorge Village which is such close proximity to Crystal Springs Resorts, you can end up running into as many as 8 weddings a weekend. Just by living here, you're surrounded by so many happy people who are ready to celebrate. Shawn, Seth and I started an applause at Crystal Tavern when we saw a beautiful bride walk by us.
I'm beyond blessed to have Shawn as one of my best friends. We are both diehard fans of radio, and tend to operate at a similar hectic fast pace. Seth noticed that we are both single and then started asking us about our types of people we would see for a relationship. I think once Seth found out several of deal breakers we both had, he quickly gave us a look of both being rather impressed and scared. LOL. I think he found us a little entertaining and a little crazy. I then ventured from Crystal Tavern to see Mia and Luna. It was a rather entertaining weekend because of them. They gave me entertaining and slightly sad content when I joked about now being a single, 40 year old man with two cats. It was also entertaining when I would look at my watch and say "I gotta go soon, need to go home to feed my cats."
1 of 6 Photo: at least they sometimes would lie down near each other so it was easier for me to pet both of them?
2 of 6 Photo: they are rock stars
3 of 6 Photo: How about a stogey on my deck from Punta Cana!
4 of 6 Photo: retail therapy here we go!
5 of 6 Photo: Great Guinness pour, B-Rad!
6 of 6 Photo: More Cat Life.
Saturday was rather routine with some different factors involved. Getting so psyched for the Celtics playoff game, I made it a point to go to Price Choppers in Warwick to get my Boston (technically Brockton) based Cape Cod Cafe Pizza. I wanted to enjoy it before the Celtics game. I was so happy that the game was on a Saturday night because these 8:45pm tip offs are a little past my preferred weeknight bedtime.
I'm definitely that guy who's guilty of stopping at a bar/restaurant after grocery shopping. Last time I tried Pennings Farm the beer garden line was way too long. This time I around I was only a couple of people deep in line. Well worth the wait when you can have a beer outside and enjoy the beauty. There was also a group of 4 ladies at a table near me and they were venting to each other about so many things, it was entertaining to me.
By Saturday afternoon, it was time for me to feed the kitties. Brad set me up for success. We always joke about how we would never give each other cash, but we'll always buy drinks for each other. Brad promised me that he would leave beer in the fridge for me, and if I could hang out with the kittens even better. While on weeknights I was more mission oriented of feeding them, cleaning their litter box and petting them for a few minutes, during the weekend I hung out with them more. The kittens were excited and all over me every single time I swung by. There's nothing like the pure love from Pets, right? Even after I fed and cuddled with them, you could just tell as they were chilling these kittens were happy I was there. Sometimes they would jump up on my lap just to cuddle. Sometimes they were happy to just lay down in the middle of their living room floor. Yes, I say their living room floor because it's their world and we're just living in it.
1 of 6 Photo: I had to put up their throwback pictures
2 of 6 Photo: I'm not doing justice for Pearl Jam if I didn't post this
3 of 6 Photo: Mia on my lap
4 of 6 Photo: Luna on my lap
5 of 6 Photo: Stogey time
6 of 6 Photo: Cape Cod Cafe Pizza For The Win!
Saturday night I smoked 2 and a half cigars, they kicked my caboose. I forgot how much cigars can dehydrate you. The cigars I bought in Punta Cana were great, I just need to stick to one per night because by the time I tried a third, I was done a third of the way into it. I basically slept through the Celtics game. I would call it an Epic fail, but at least we lost the game anyway.
Sunday morning I was in the mood for retail therapy so TJ Maxx in Riverdale on 23 was calling my name loudly. When I go shopping there's usually a quick mission. Very quickly I know what I like, and what I don't. Sunday morning was TJ Gold, where I bought 3 shirts. I joked with some friends this was a classic market overcorrection. I noticed that so many of my shirts are dark, so TJ Maxx had some clutch brighter shirts in the clutch for me. I was so excited to wear a brighter color shirt in the hot weather, my classy @$$ changed into one of the white shirts in the Irish Cottage men's bathroom. Yep, definitely the first time I've done a costume change at The Cottage.
I then went back to hang out with the kitties. Wearing a white shirt before going over to see two black shedding kittens was not one of my smartest decisions. I think my shirt was basically black by the time I left there.
Sunday night was an early one going to sleep to Bar Rescue reruns. Knowing I had to fill in this morning for Steve Andrews on our WSUS morning show and doing my show too, the goal was to be in bed by 8. Time to start recovering from doing double duty. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend!