WOW. This was definitely an Epic summer weekend in the Tri-State I'll never forget. We'll start off our weekend with Friday afternoon. It was a bittersweet lunch on steroids. One of my work besties, Kim, has left our radio station switching careers. As we know many have been switching careers over the past few years. She'll always be one of my closest friends, and I wish her nothing but the best. Kim and her family have always made me feel like I'm part of their family. Her next career employer will be lucky to get her, that's for sure. I have had some of my favorite, most fun memories here in Jersey with Kim and her family. I had a delicious bacon burger at Crystal Tavern. When we sat down, I joked that it was definitely my turn to take one for the team. I intentionally immediately took the one seat at our table that did not have a gorgeous view of Crystal Springs and Wild Turkey Golf Course. I said "since is my happy place and where I spend most of the summer, I'll let all of you enjoy this gorgeous view instead of me." I took the one seat that had its back to the beautiful Crystal Springs view. That bacon burger I had was absolutely massive and definitely put me in a food coma. Biggest food coma since - well last week when I ate that Funnel Cake at The New Jersey State Fair Sussex County Farm & Horse Show. The Reese's Pieces Funnel Cake midweek was definitely a bad overaggressive decision by me. I should not have done that for my first ever Funnel Cake at the tender young age of forty years old ;) . The original Funnel Cake I did later in the week I could eat more of and it definitely hurt me much less.
Friday afternoon Borasio from our 103.7 NNJ station and I were able to join our friend Kristen and get a behind the scenes preview tour of Pupstock at The Fairgrounds. Talk about cuteness overload!
Friday night, we did a happy hour round of drinks at guess where - Crystal Tavern. This was also to wish our dear friend Kim best of luck with her new career. I opened it with a toast and said "remember the good old days, like 4 hours ago when we were here and Kim was still working with us?" Everyone appreciated my wisecrack. We laughed and talked about so many fun stories / memories together. Some of my best / favorite Facebook Live videos over the past several years have involved Kim being behind the camera on my iPhone. Whether it was me getting my Caboose kicked in Knockerball, trying out being an ice hockey goalie with pucks being shot to me with speeds of up to 80 miles per hour? The Space Farms funny videos of me feeding lions, bears, and attempting / failing to throw bales of hay? She helped make those fun, magical memories happen. I'll be forever grateful.
After the happy hour round at Crystal Tavern, I ventured and met up with friends at Minerals Moonshine Tiki Bar back on Campus. We then enjoyed an unexpectedly beautiful sunset. It was funny, my bestie Carrie tried taking pictures of the gorgeous sky on fire sunset. I then took her with me a few yards over to the pool so that way she was able to get both the reflection and everything else that went with it. I joked with her it wasn't my first sunset picture taking rodeo.
1 of 6 Photo: Yummy massive bacon burger!
2 of 6 Photo: Me and Borasio getting a behind the scenes tour of Pupstock!
3 of 6 Photo: I do get some decent sunset pictures living here.
4 of 6 Photo: Kimberly and Sam are here for me!
5 of 6 Photo: I do get some decent sunset pictures living here.
6 of 6 Photo: I do get some decent sunset pictures living here.
Saturday morning I was called into work and help out our station 103.7 WNNJ with a live broadcast they were doing. All good. I was doing errands at home and was able to get to our station within 20 minutes and start helping out. After 30 mins or so, I was then ready to go grocery shopping. Yay. LOL.
By Saturday afternoon I was ready for some retail therapy. TJ MAXX down 23 on Pompton Plains for the win! I'm rocking a new shirt and new socks already (not to make this sound like a locker room with me showing off or anything.) ;) Just because you're not in school anymore doesn't mean you can't have fun doing back to school shopping for yourself, right? Okay well that's how I'm justifying it LOL.
Saturday afternoon I swung by Aquaviva on 23 in Wantage to join my bestie Carrie celebrating her son Brendan's 23rd birthday. Even though I only hung out for a few minutes and didn't join them for dinner, I will say their meals all looked good. I'll definitely be trying either a steak or tuna steak there in the near future.
Saturday night was an early night in for me. I knew I needed to pace myself. I worked a little Saturday, had an upcoming live broadcast in Poughkeepsie, and am filling in for Steve Andrews on our 102.3 WSUS Morning Show for a couple of days this week. When my friends would ask me to go out with them and I texted them back my work schedule they all said "oh wow okay!"
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Sunday morning was a fun new day for me. I did my first live broadcast for our 96.1 Kiss FM iHeart station up in Poughkeepsie. That's right, in addition to hearing me on 102.3 WSUS Monday to Fridays 2-7pm, you can also hear me Sundays on 96.1 Kiss FM in Poughkeepsie (and anywhere in America on our iHeartRadio App of course.) This was my first time ever at Poughkeepsie Galleria Mall and I was psyched. Going there definitely brought me back to my mallrat teenage days. The mall was beautiful and I'll definitely be going back there sometime soon.
Our event was a Back To School Bash school supply drive, benefitting The Anderson Center For Kids With Autism. I swear this is not an excuse for me to yet again share one of my favorite heartwarming tear jerking videos, ever. Below you can see my growing up next door neighbor / friend / hero Luke Barry getting his Disney World surprise. We are so proud of him. And how surreal cool is it that my parents house was on national ABC TV Christmas morning last year? I'll always be a proud member of the Walnut Street Unicorn Marching Band.
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I had a GREAT time at Poughkeepsie Galleria. After our successful event was done, time for food! I ate one of the best salmon meals I have ever had in my life (and I'm a seafood snob,) at 110 Grill. There's apparently one in Middletown too. I learned they get their salmons FedExed to them everyday, so the salmon you're getting their is never more than 24 hours from the boat! I could tell with my first mouthwatering bite. It was great!
Late afternoon, I was able to swing by Minerals Moonshine Tiki Bar and ran into my dear friend besties Sally and Douglioso. Sally just looked at me and said "wow, I know you don't want to hear this, but being single looks damn good on you!" That made me feel great and perked me up. It also reminded me how much it can help your loved ones when you tell them they look good!
It was an early night having me in bed by 8:30, since I'm filling in for Steve Andrews this week.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend!