Overall I had a fun weekend. Friday night I started off meeting up with some friends for a happy hour beer at The Cottage. I ran into my dear friend Donna Arrigo and her husband John. They're the ones who do such a fantastic job putting together Dina's Way Golf Outing every September at Crystal Springs Black Bear Golf Course. Donna wanted to be my first picture for my Epic Weekend In Pictures. After we did our selfie I was getting ready to post it on my @SteveAllanRadio Instagram story. Right when I was ready to post it, I heard a friend of Donna yell "hey wait, I wanna be Instagram famous too!" LOL. I was happy to do a selfie again this time with Donna, and her friends Bernadette and Megan. I'm happy to report we are all friends on Instagram too now lol.
After The Cottage I met up with besties at Crystal Springs Kite's. Great to hang with Kimberly, Sam, Brad, Steve, Jasen and Brendan. Even got to see bestie Carrie too. Lots of fun laughs with friends all while busting on each other.
Saturday I was able to do some decluttering at my place. Many this weekend were deChristmasing, for me it was decluttering little by little. I then was craving the spicy garlic sauce at Jimmy Geez on 23. It is so good with a great kick to it. I love it. I attempted to make a return at Kohl's in Newton, but the line was at least 30 people deep. I'll try again later this week. I had a phone call with Madre where we jokingly said "tomorrow will be painful. The Patriots have to play against The Bills in Buffalo, where everyone in America who wasn't a Patriots fan was rooting for them. Then of course when The Bills scored an opening kick off touchdown we knew it wasn't going to be pretty. The Patriots actually put up more of a fight than I expected. They tried at least. Now their season is over. At least my blood pressure should be at a healthier level on football Sundays.
I ended up watching the whole Patriots game at The Cottage, I wasn't planning for that. The game was so much closer than I expected there was never a window for me to leave to go home.
Next weekend should be more Epic with seeing more friends. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Now time to start planning next weekend, a holiday weekend to boot!
1 of 8 Photo: Me, Donna, Bernadette and Megan
2 of 8 Photo: Me, Jasen, Sam, Brendan and Kimberly
3 of 8 Photo: Me, Brad and Steve
4 of 8 Photo: Big group selfie time!
5 of 8 Photo: Yummy Spicy Garlic sauce!
6 of 8 Photo: Me with bartender buddie Sam
7 of 8 Photo: Tony The Pony sighting!
8 of 8 Photo: Hey Patriot fan friend Kelcie!