It seems like most of the time this weekend I was dodging rain at one point or another. While staying dry, we definitely had fun memories this weekend.
Friday night I ran into some of my besties at Minerals Moonshine Tiki Bar. It was a hot summer Friday night and we were doing the best we could to beat the heat. It was great seeing besties JG, Brad, Steve, Jess and Carrie. We then pivoted to see bestie Jasen who was having family over for an impromptu pizza party. How can you turn down a pizza party on Campus? You can't! I tried. I ended up being happy we went over and all hung out. We're all still sad from earlier this month when Jasen and Brendan had to put their pup Spot down. Always hard. I was glad we were all able to hang out and be there for each other on a fun Friday night.
Saturday I was a free agent basically. I listened to Steve Andrews and bought rags for the first time in my life. After cleaning my oven last weekend, the smoke detector is still going off, so I will now wipe down with a wet rag my oven. This is a project that just won't stop. After feeling defeated purchasing rags, I was ready to go to the Crystal Springs Vista 180 Pool. Ironically right when I was headed there my work wife Shawn texted me that she was on her way to the pool too. Yay! I had fun hanging with my Stinnett sisters and running into Margie and Artie was fantastic. Even I went into the pool! It was hot.
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I was out in the sun by the pool for almost 4 hours whoops. I know I shouldn't be out in the hot sun for that long, but I was having so much fun relaxing with my besties. Saturday night was an early, quiet night for me.
Sunday I couldn't rally myself enough to continue cleaning my oven. Life was so much simpler when I went my first two years here without ever turning my oven on. Now look at me going all these years later. Ugh.
I went to Jimmy Geez to pick up some of their spicy garlic sauce. While out there, I got a text from bestie Sally. I hadn't seen her in a little while and was psyched. She, Douglioso and a few of our friends were hanging out at The Pennings biergarten. Sign me up for that! Sunday Funday with friends at Pennings was terrific. We managed to get in many laughs in such a short time. Great times making new friends and enjoying quality time with several friends who I've known for years. Sally treated me to a Lawson IPA beer that was fantastic btw.
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Overall I had a fun weekend dodging the rain as much as possible. We made our fun times count whenever possible, that's for sure. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend, and I know it'll start by me attending a wedding at Minerals. I can't wait for this!