The first toy Hess Truck came out in 1964. My dad bought me my first toy Hess Truck in 1969. I still remember how sturdy it was. The cool feature was the head and tail lights that turned on with a switch under the truck. Back then Hess Gas Stations would receive a limited supply. They would be stacked up in the front window when you pulled in to buy gas. When they were gone they were gone. I still remember my dad paying 3 bucks for mine. How I wish I had that 1969 toy Hess Truck now.
Over the years there have been many versions of those Hess Truck toys. Kids and adults love them and collect them. Hess gas stations no longer exist around here. What is left of the company was just purchased by Chevron. Right after the sale was announced. Chevron made sure to reassure Hess Truck fans the 59 year old tradition would continue.
This years model is the 2023 Hess Police Truck and Cruiser is on sale now at HessToyTruck.Com for 42.99. The price does include shipping and batteries. Leon Hess founder of the company was the driving force behind the toy trucks in the 1960's. He opened his first Hess Gas Station in Paterson in 1960.
Source: Fox Business
Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images News / Getty Images