My first weekend back in Jersey after getting to see my family in New England last weekend was a decent success. I wanted to catch up on errands after enjoying last weekend being out of town with my family. Next weekend I'm hoping to sneak in a quick visit to New England before I can go back for Christmas. My weekend started off with some great news. This is our first Pet Food & Supply Drive that we're calling our 12 Strays Of Christmas. Now until December 15th we're accepting donations at our drop off locations Scotty's Automotive on 206 in Montague, Sussex Rural Electric, and Industry Kitchen And Bar. Everything we collect stays local, going to our Sussex County Division Of Social Services Food Pantry, Father John's Animal House and OSCAR. We know times can be tough for so many this time of year. There are folks out there who love their pets so much, they'll pick feeding them instead of eating themselves, or even not turning the heat on at their place. I want to help these folks. On Saturday December 16th, we're doing a special Facebook Live video at Father John's Animal House where we'll try to get 12 pets adopted. Our 12 Strays Of Christmas! We received an email from our friend Anne at Scotty's Automotive that their box was already full! We were able to have our friends Father John's Animal House pick up the donations. I teared up a little bit with happy tears. We have filled up one box at Scotty's Automotive, and one at Sussex Rural Electric. Let's please keep it going!
Friday was a rather low key night. I was able to run into besties Ty, Carrie and Roy at Kite's. Our friend DJ Razor was there for the first time in awhile. I joked it felt like a fun throwback night from 5 years ago or so. It was great to catch up with friends I haven't seen in awhile.
Saturday morning I had errands on the mind. Nothing too crazy, just basics like dry cleaning drop off and pick up, along with laundry. I was joking with bestie Jennifer via text that I had to leave my place and be productive before getting trapped. On TV they were showing Home Alone 2 at 9:30am Saturday morning. Had I not left, this definitely would've consumed me for hours and I wouldn't have accomplished anything. I get a little brushback every year when I announce this hot take on my radio show - Home Alone 2 is better than Home Alone. There, I said it again. Home Alone 2 has more plot and better scenery. The New York City ambiance is fantastic, even for this Boston boy.
Saturday afternoon I ventured over to Rockaway Mall and got a quick 30 minute massage from one of those chair massage places. Success, I didn't realize how bad I needed to see them. After that I was able to have a fun drink at Alice's on Lake Hopatcong and run into besties Sam and Heidi. We had more great times reminiscing with fun memories, all the fun they had putting together my birthday parties, etc.
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I definitely need to frequent Lake Hopatcong more. The views are so therapeutic and beautiful. Saturday afternoon I enjoyed watching the thrilling college football game of Georgia against Alabama. Watching those two teams is almost like watching a minor league football team, so many of those players go onto the National Football League right after they're done with school. I was good having a quiet Saturday night in after that.
Sunday my errands brought me into Franklin, and I ended up doing football Sunday at The Cottage. I usually prefer to watch the Patriots by myself so I can just pace and scream at my television for hours. In this case I was happier hanging out with friends instead of watching the game by myself. The Patriots are painful to watch this year no matter where I see them anyway. At least this way I was able to hang out with some friends and get some laughs. The Patriots game was on right beside the Jets game, they might as well have been the same exact game. Pathetic offenses for both teams. Painful to watch. Many Patriots fans have been begging for them to play Bailey Zappe. They got their wish, and we freakin lost 6-0. At home. In the rain. I'm very happy that I wasn't at any football games this weekend and instead was dry and warm as opposed to being out in the cold rain.
Shout out to Vernon Township High School! They were fantastic kicking off our WSUS Kids Christmas Series this morning. They made this Vernon resident quite proud.
Monday midday I was able to visit Trinity Rehab in Sparta where I love go to Mondays. Ash was able to help my neck and shoulders, and then I was able to hop on the Alter G Treadmill. These treadmills are so awesome. I was able to run 2.5-3 miles. Still much better than no run at all. Little by little, hopefully next year I'll be able to run 5Ks again.
Thank you so much for taking the time to see my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend!
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