It's rare to get paid for what you love to do. Maybe your boss is a micro-manager or delegates a little too much. The corporate culture at your job might be getting under your skin. Most of the time it's not wise to make your feeling known. Then you start to feel unhappy at work. Sound familiar? A new study from the University of Central Florida concludes there are two separate ways to get yourself feeling more positive.
1. Get more sleep. Poor sleep makes us feel drained and less motivated. If you're like me you can function on not much sleep. However, more sleep will always help you feel replenished and in better control of your mood.
2. You should exercise more. Exercise can help you sleep better at night and makes you feel more energized.
The experts go on to say if you remain truly miserable you should move on to another job when it's possible. After all, life is too short. What I take out of this study is something that I still need to learn. I try to do too much in a single day and don't sleep enough. You can only do so much each day then it's time to sleep. In the long run it's better to make rest just as much of a priority as the endless list of things to do and problems to solve. Source: Men's Health
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