I talk to my daughter every day. My grand daughter Gracie is 17 months old and I know Kim doesn't get much of a break. Most of the time she cheerfully does what most moms do for their little ones. Pretty much everything. I really admire her. She does get a chance to escape a little when Gracie naps but that usually means doing something that needs to be done somewhere else in the house. It would be nice for her to go away by herself or with friends for a few days but when you decide to be a mom that's something you sacrifice. Luckily, Mom.me has come up with some more realistic vacations for moms to consider:
1. A trip to the bathroom alone. A tiled sanctuary where moms can check their e mail, Facebook or talk on the phone.
2. Target with Cocktails. A Target team member makes you a drink to start your shopping trip and when you're finished there's a glass of wine waiting in the cafe.
3. Driving somewhere alone. No one kicking the back of your seat, you can listen to whatever you want on the radio and no one asking "Are we there yet."
4. Just sitting on the couch doing nothing. Relax and listen to nothing. Make sure you bring a bag of chips and drink that you can enjoy all by yourself.
These are all good. Now here's my favorite "mom" vacation. This is what I used to do. Get up a few hours early on the weekend, put on a pot of coffee and sit outside on my deck. All by myself, just me, my coffee and the birds!