The F.B.I. released the birth dates of many serial killers which might lead to the conclusion some Zodiac signs are more dangerous than others. The website Musings of a Poet Soul took the F.B. I. information and ran with it. I really don't buy into this because there are a lot of factors that go into making a person who they are. Most importantly what's happened in their life. So for me this is mostly for fun. Especially since my Zodiac sign "Cancer" is the most dangerous. Here are the most and least dangerous.
1. Cancer-we tend to be jealous and passive aggressive. (I thought we were quiet home bodies)
2. Scorpio- Most serial killers are Scorpios
3. Sagittarius- Joseph Stalin and Ted Bundy were this sign
4. Taurus- because they tend to be agressive
5. Aries-have short fuses
6. Pisces- because they get easily addicted
7. Capricorns-they aren't necessarily dangerous, but if provoked they can be.
(Well there goes my whole family.)
Less dangerous signs include:
1. Aquarius- they believe in justice and they're smart
2. Leo-Loud and proud but that's it
3. Libra-patient people who only loose their patience when harmed by others
4. Virgo-they have psychopathic tendencies but don't harm others.
Maybe you should go back to asking what's your sign before asking someone on a date.