Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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Top 10 Most Annoying office sayings

     Well it's another Monday. Many businesses have Monday morning meetings with a boss who tries to get the most productivity out of us when we are at work. A new poll in the U.K. asked people what cliched sayings from their bosses annoy them the most. What I think you should do is use as many of these as possible in your next meeting and see if anyone gets annoyed or just starts to doze off like I do.  Here are the top 10. 

1. Blue sky thinking

2. Idea shower

3. To "action" a project

4. Going forward

5. Brainstorm

6. Getting the ball rolling

7. Drill down

8. Out of the loop

9. Think outside the box

10. Touch base

Some annoying phrases that did not make the top 10 include: ASAP, There no "I" in team and "on the same page." I think if I heard the term "idea shower" in a meeting I would have to go home sick for the rest of the day.

Source: The Daily Mail

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