There's been a lot written about fatherhood. I learned about being a dad from my dad. He wasn't perfect but I knew I could count on his unconditional love. My son Matt was born only two weeks before he passed away. Dad didn't tell me at the time but he was seriously ill. He wasn't expected to live long enough to see his first grandson born but he did. I am very grateful for that because in that short time he had with Matt he taught me a very important lesson about being a father.
Matt was less than a week old. Crying all night. We were feeding him but he wasn't going to the bathroom. Our pediatrician told us he would be alright. My wife and I were upset and worried. That's when I learned one of the most valuable lessons I would ever learn from him. I kept saying "But the doctor says he's OK" That's when dad looked at me across the dining room table and said "You are HIS father. You decide who is his doctor. Take him to another doctor!"
That's exactly what Denise and I did. We took Matt to the pediatrician Denise went to as a child. He saw right away Matt was in trouble and took immediate action to help him. I don't know what would have happened if my dad wasn't there. Over the years I have wished he was still there many times. I still believe he is that voice in my ear saying: "This doesn't feel right, do something else."
That day my dad taught me being a dad was not only putting your child first but taking full responsibility. So follow your instincts (they're almost always right) and take action when you have to.
Happy Father's Day.