Remember the Beatles song "With a Little help from my Friends?" A new study at the University of Virginia suggests having a childhood BFF that you stay friends with into adulthood is very good for your mental health.
We all know it's great to have a significant other but no matter how much you love that person, it's very important to have some best friends too. The study showed men and women who had a BFF in their teens who they stayed close to into their 20's had fewer signs of depression, less anxiety and more self worth.
The study also showed being popular isn't as important as you might think. It's actually better for us to have a few close friends than to have a lot of friends. Young people who were overly concerned about popularity had much more anxiety.
I think there's something to be said for all of this. Thanks to Facebook it's much easier to stay in touch with long time friends. I'm still close to several friends I met in grade school and in college. We don't see each other as often as when we were younger but just knowing they are there is a great comfort to me.
A great movie to watch about the bonds we have with our childhood friends is "Stand By Me." If you haven't seen it you should. It goes back to the early 80's but it's one of my all time favorite movies.
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