Driving over High Point Mountain on the way to the radio station around 4am I noticed how closed the moon looked this morning. At the time I didn't realize this weekend we will be experiencing what is called a "Super Moon." On Sunday December 3rd the Super Moon will be closest and brightest.
Here are some interesting things moon watchers should know about a Super Moon.
1. This Super Moon will be closer than usual only 16,500 miles away.
2. It will appear 7 percent brighter and 16 percent closer than your average full moon.
3. The best time to view a Super Moon is right after moon rise or just before sunrise.
4. No special eye protection is needed to look at a Super Moon
5. If you miss it this weekend you can still see it the rest of the week. It just won't be as close or bright as Sunday.
6. If you are going to take a picture of the Super Moon don't take a picture of the moon by itself. Take it with some kind of a reference or background.
Source: Quartz Media
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