I didn't watch Mr. Rogers that much when I was growing up. His show was very enjoyable when I did get to see it. Fred Rogers was an actual Presbyterian Minister who grew up in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. His children's show ran 33 years from 1968 to 2001 on PBS. Spanning several generations from Baby Boomers to Centennials.
Here are some lessons he taught us that are still relevant today.
1. In times of tragedy he said: "Look for helpers, you will always find people helping."A reminder that there are always caring people in the world.
2. Accept your kids for who they are. One of his regular songs included the lyric: "It's you I like, the way you are right now."
3. He valued being nice over being strict: "The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind The third way is to be kind."
4. How to cope with Milestones and endings: "Often when you think you are at the end of something, you are at the beginning of something else."
5. Teach your kids to be learners: "The more you learn the better feeling you have about yourself and the world we live in."
Source: Pop Sugar
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