Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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Some real health benefits you get from camping

     When I was in college the only way I could afford a vacation was to go camping. Every summer some of my friends from work who were also in college would pick a state, grab our road atlas and away we would go. I've been camping in Maine, West Virginia and Virginia. I was not a big fan of camping but I really enjoyed the time with my friends. We would "rough it" in the woods for two days, then get a cheap hotel room for a night and then go out in the woods for two more days. I always looked forward to the hot shower and real bed. Sleeping on the ground was never my thing. So this post is for everybody who loves to camp. Not necessarily people like me.

1. A new study from Japan finds after just 15 minutes in the woods your levels of the stress hormone cortisol start to decrease. Your blood pressure and pulse rate decrease too. Imagine how much these will go down after a couple of nights out in nature. 

2. You'll sleep like a baby. Just one night out in nature can reset your body clock. You go to bed earlier and wake up feeling refreshed  I guess this is true if you have a comfortable sleeping bag. A nice mattress at the Hilton and Hotel breakfast do wonders for me too!

3. It will boost your immunity. Scientists have discovered being around nature gives your body a chance to build up it's immune system. Since your body is more relaxed it can focus on long term benefits.

4. A walk in the woods feels like less work than a trip to the gym. I support this idea all the way. Last summer I discovered how awesome hiking in the woods is. High Point State Park is my favorite place so far. One day if the ever let me retire I might hike for a few days on the Appalachian Trail. I'll bring a friend who likes to camp. 

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