Only 1 or 2 trains a week rumble through Franklin these days but memories of a time when many more came through this area will be alive and well next Sunday. This is the 16th year the Franklin Historical Society and Sussex County Railroad Club have put together a train show. If you love trains this show is a must. Admission is only 5 dollars and kids under 12 are free.
When you go inside you'll find plenty of model railroad and railroad memorabilia items for sale. Lionel Trains and accessories, railroad collectibles, photos, books and videos. You can actually see full layouts of model trains running. The show has drawn between 4 and 5 hundred people each year. There should be about 80 tables and 30 vendors participating this year. This is a great show to take your kids to.
My dad and my uncle loved model trains. My uncle had a huge set up in his basement when I was a kid. I still love riding the train. Even if it's just New Jersey Transit and the Long Island Railroad. At night from my house in Matamoras I can hear the train whistles in Port Jervis. No matter how many times I hear them. Thoughts of far away places still enter my mind.
The show runs from 9AM to 3PM next Sunday May 6th. All aboard!
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