The rain made it tough to get my day started Saturday Morning but I got to our live broadcast at Subaru World at 11 and we had a great time. You always have to think on your feet in the broadcasting business so our theme for the broadcast was rainy days are a great day to buy a car. Thank You Wally and Chris. We had a nice turn out and gave away some cool prizes.
By the time I got home the rain had stopped so I started to work on planting my vegetable garden. It was muddy but I had to get the garden done because next weekend I have to move on to setting up the pool. I'm happy to report the cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli and peppers are planted and looking good so far. Hopefully, we won't get a late spring frost. Maddie really enjoyed being outside with me in the yard. I saw her herding instinct in action as she ran around the shed over and over again. Maddie does a great job keeping the rabbits, skunks and raccoons out of my fenced in yard so my garden can grow.
I also managed to find time to load my Suburban Morris Water Softener with salt crystals on Sunday. It only takes a few minutes and I feel good about all the benefits of having a good water softener. As I write this my skin is not dry from my shower, my clothes and dishes are cleaner. Long term my hot water heater and appliances should last longer too. The comedy here has to do with my 3 sons. I leave the bags of salt out in an obvious place hoping they will take the hint and put the salt into the water softener for me. It takes 5 minutes but they're always too busy. That's life with grown up kids.
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