Decorating for the holidays usually comes with mixed emotions for me. It's a lot of work but I do it because so many decorations I have were passed down from my parents, grand parents and close friends. Putting up the Christmas Tree and decorations reminds me of all of them. I do it for me but I don't think my kids appreciate it that much. I hope one day that changes.
This year my 3 year old grand daughter is living with us so we went all out. Gracie's dad bought new outside decorations and combined them with my outside decorations. The result was beautiful. My outside decorations have been in the attic for 10 years. I was very surprised they still worked. We tested the spiral light up Christmas Tree and reindeer in the living room before putting them out. They looked pretty cool in the living room too!
We put the Christmas Tree downstairs in the family room this year. Some of the ornaments go back to the 1960's and 70's. Some were given to us by Denise's Aunt Honey and other's belonged to my dad. Some of the other ornaments come from the Christmas Tree that used to be in the lobby of the WSUS studios in the 1990's. Over the years I've bought some of my own too.
All of my mom's decorations are upstairs this year. Her little white Christmas Tree and silver candle holders. Over the year's we've been given some beautiful ceramic decorations from close friends including a gingerbread house and a statue of Santa Claus.
On Saturday we went to the Galleria Mall and started our Christmas shopping. Of course, Miss Gracie got a festive lollipop. Saturday Night I went out to dinner down route 17 at Woodbury Commons with my long time friends George and Eleanor. George and I have been friends for 40 years We were having such a good time I forgot to take a selfie with them.
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