Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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My thoughts on staying positive in January

     The clinical name for feeling depressed during the winter months is Seasonal Affective Disorder. Most people with the winter blues just feel less motivated, have less energy and are more moody than usual. Some people have problems sleeping or have changes in their appetite. Most people don't require clinical treatment but if the symptoms become severe talking to a mental health professional is a good idea.

     I am one of those people who gets a mild case of the winter blues after the holiday season every year.  My daughter's birthday on January 4th usually keeps me positive for a few days after but the darkness and bitter cold gets to me after that. My sleep pattern, mood and appetite change quite a bit.  Over the years I've figured out a few ways to stay positive so I'd like to share them with you today.

     One of the best things to do is plan something fun. Maybe even a weekend break to visit friends or relatives you didn't get a chance to see over the holidays. You can also start to plan your big vacation in the summer.  If you can't get away just treat yourself a little more when you're home. Go out to eat a few more times or have friends over and order out. 

     I tend to have more time on my hands in the winter months because live appearances slow down.  If you're used to being busy January can be a great month to read some books you've been meaning to read or learn something new.  There are plenty of parks and trails around here to take a winter hike. Getting more involved with my church helps me. I learn more about my faith and feel good about giving back.  Volunteering and doing good for others are wonderful ways to stay positive. 

     Cleaning up and getting the clutter out of my life are two things I actually look forward to doing in January.  On New Year's Day I decide which Christmas decorations to keep and which to toss or donate. Then each weekend I take on a clean up or de-cluttering project.  My clothes closet and dressers will be first. Then I donate the clothes that are still in good shape to The Salvation Army. 

     Think about the positive aspects of January too. In my case work is a little quieter, I don't have to do any work in the yard and I have more time to curl up under a blanket, with a fire in the fireplace and read or watch movies.  Finally, when it snows my daily drive through High Point State Park looks like a winter wonderland. 

Source: Pop Sugar


January afternoon darkness

Photo by Pixabay 

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