At the beginning of every school year I would bitterly complain about all the forms that had to be filled out. For a few years I had 4 kids in school. It was crazy but essential. School Nurse Christine Burke shared some great information for parents on the website Lifehacker. Now I'm sharing it with you. Basically, there are 5 things parents should know.
1. Medical Forms are crucial. It takes time but fill them out. In an emergency every second counts. The correct parent emergency contact information could be a life saver.
2. Lice is not a big deal. They can't jump from human to human. Rich, middle class and poor kids can get lice. Don't freak out. My daughter used to get worms. It happens.
3. If the nurse says your son or daughter is too sick for school it's not negotiable. They know how inconvenient it is for you but you have to be a parent. Your child can get other kids sick.
4. Elementary schools accept donations of gently used kids clothes and underwear. Pants split and kids have accidents. Your donation will come in handy in the future.
5. A "Thank You" is very much appreciated. School Nurses Day is May 8th.
Source: Lifehacker
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