I shared a new survey last week on the radio that said over one third of Americans had no special plans for July 4th Weekend. All they wanted to do was stay home and relax. My allergies have been bothering me and I've been feeling tired. I'm also "on call" for jury duty in Scranton the next 3 Mondays. So I became one of those one third who stayed home and relaxed all weekend. I did venture out to make a pet food run with Christopher yesterday. My hope was that he would behave a little better in the stores this time. When I take him with me to the store it gives my daughter a break for an hour or two. He did do a little better in the stores. The car was a different story. This 2 and a half year old kid knows how to unbuckle himself from his car seat! I secured him in his car seat and walked around to get in the car at Walmart. By the time I started the car he was out! I ran around to get him back in and he climbed in between the seats in an effort to get into the drivers seat. This kid! I secured him again and drove home with one hand behind me gripping his leg. Yesterday night we also took the kids to the fireworks at Airport Park in Matamoras. It was a great turnout for the Matamoras Fire Department.
The rest of my weekend was spent enjoying my home and family time. The two reasons I work so hard in the first place. So here are some pictures of my first cucumbers of the season and the beautiful zinnias in my front garden. The weather was perfect for the pool too. I finally inflated my big inner tube. Which Gracie and Chris had a blast with. I didn't even get to climb into it and float around once this weekend.
When I went on that pet food run for Maddie and Petey I also bought an extra 2 bags for our pet food drive with Sussex REC. I'll be dropping them off at Franklin Sussex Auto Mall today. Everything we collect goes the Father John's Animal House in Lafayette.