We won't know the final numbers until tomorrow. That's when Joan from Social Services will be able to tell us how many pounds of food and how much cash was donated. Today I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was the most successful Backpack Snacks for Kids ever. By the time I left Saturday at 2 donations had almost filled the bus. The two donation boxes in front of Weis Markets in Franklin were over flowing when we got there at 8:30 in the morning. Then the employees of the store brought out two more carriages full of donations. Weis employees had also purchased a carriage full of food to donate themselves. Our sister station WNNJ was at the Newton Weis and Christine from Social Services told me donations were going very well there. This year we added a new donation location Scotty's Automotive in Montague. All of the donation boxes were overflowing there as well. Thank You to everyone who donated this year. Hundreds of kids in Sussex County will benefit from what we did this weekend.
This whole weekend went very fast for me. I continued to help my daughter get the kitchen back into shape. Which is an on going challenge with 2 young kids and three elderly dogs. Saturday afternoon I got down on my knees and scrubbed the kitchen floor and cabinets. Sunday I made corned beef dinner for the family. This is the third time I've used the slow cooker instead of the oven. Once again, after 5 hours in the crock pot the meat was super tasty and tender. It wasn't tough or rubbery. Even my grandson Christopher loved it! As a side dish I steamed fresh asparagus I purchased Sunday morning. I also finally made it to TJ Max in Westfall to spend the gift card afternoon guy Steve Allan gave me for Christmas. There are already plenty of clothes in my closet so I can take my time using it up. I found a very nice long sleeve golf shirt for 10 bucks. The original price was 36 bucks. A nice bargain!