Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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Carrots sold in New Jersey linked to widespread E Coli outbreak

Carrots sold in 18 states have been linked to an e coli outbreak that has killed at least one persons. Dozens of others have been made very sick. According to the Centers for Disease Control the bagged organic carrots and baby carrots were packaged by Grimmway Farms in Bakersfield, California. The carrots on store shelves now are most likely safe. Carrots that could still be in people's homes might be a part of the recall. To make things even more confusing, the carrots were sold under multiple brand names including Nature's Promise, Trader Joe's and Wegman's. I guess if you have bagged carrots in your refrigerator and you're not sure just toss them.

Source: Sussex Daily Voice

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Dish of baby carrots

Photo: Westend61 / Westend61 / Getty Images

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